The Robin
The robin sits belligerently on the deck rail
glares into the northeast wind
eyes the troubled little waves
creeping up the chilly canal from the bay
she chirps and gives a tail flip
as if to say, knock it off!
it's supposed to be Spring
I wanna' get on with it,
find a helper
build a nest
lay some little blue eggs
hatch out some babies,
It's Spring, f'crap's sake!
there's work to do.
I want to see sun
and warm water
rain's OK, makes mud
mud and grass make a good nest
a little yarn to hold it together
It's Spring. Where's that guy
who said he'd be back?
He'll turn up in a few days,
late as usual,
bring in a few twigs,
create a great fuss and bother
watch me do all the work
then sit in the tree and sing all day
says he's doing it just to keep me
warm and happy, while I work
needs to get in there and
help keep the eggs warm
least he could keep the crows away
decoy them, attack
can't win, ther're to big, but deflect 'em
keep 'em from trying to steal the eggs
or the babies; to use for their own baby food
God, do I worry,
where is that man
there's work to be done
work, work, work
where is he when I need him?
miss him
need him here
and I do love him so!
Where is he?
It's Spring!
fr 3/27/16